
足の外科を生業とする整形外科医 小林勇人のホームページ


〒426-8662 静岡県藤枝市水上123-1

Key wordsにまつわるetc.

Key wordsにまつわるetc.

去る8月2日に論文①のproof (ゲラ刷り)が出戻ってきました(ー_ー)!!。ジャーナルのコピーライターが校正したproofを、7月26日に訂正箇所なしで即日戻したところ、どうやら最終チェックでEditorがまたもやKey wordsの変更を要求してきたようです。一発acceptされた論文②に引き続き、Key wordsの受難が続きます(笑)。

I have annotated the proof, and ask that the author review and further edit the proof, and answer the final queries (if not already done). The author is instructed to read every word, symbol, table, figure title and legend, and make sure that every element is ready for publication and widespread viewing by readers around the world. It is very important that the author review and revise the proof in great detail, since this is the final pre-publication chance to get every aspect of the report correct.

Since we want to maximize electronic hits, we need to avoid repeating terms already in the title, employ MeSH terms, and be general with our keywords. Please see how I edited the keywords, and make sure that you are satisfied with them. Use the following key words: ”arthrodesis, opening wedge tibial osteotomy, osteoarthritis, tarsometatarsal coalition, varus ankle”

After reviewing and editing the proof, the author needs to forward the annotated proof to myself, and Ms. ALC at Elsevier, so that we can move onward toward publication. If the author has any questions regarding the proof, please direct them to: authorquestionXXXX@gmail.com. I look forward to seeing this interesting report published. Thank you.

Best regards,


Editor, The Journal of Foot & Ankle Surgery

簡単に言えば「論文掲載後の検索によりヒットするよう、Key wordsを変更せよ!」という指令で、ぶっちゃけて言えば「impact factor対策」と思われます。お上には逆らえないので元々”arthrodesis、metatarsocuboid coalition、opening wedge distal tibial osteotomy、tarsometatarsal coalition、varus-type ankle osteoarthritis”であったKey wordsを指示通りに”arthrodesis、opening wedge tibial osteotomy osteoarthritis、tarsometatarsal coalition、varus ankle“に訂正しました。

Dear Dr. DSM:

Thank you for your e-mail of August 2. My coauthors and I are greatful that our manuscript was accepted for publication in The Journal of Foot and Ankle Surgery. We checked the revised proof carefully, and admit that we have no query regarding the proof. According to your suggestion, please edit the key words as follows: “arthrodesis, opening wedge tibial osteotomy, osteoarthritis, tarsometatarsal coalition, varus ankle.”

Thank you for your assistance, and we look forward to publishing our work in your journal.


Hayato Kobayashi, MD, PhD

逆に考えればpeer reviewに直接関係ない題名やKey wordsが、EditorやReviewerによって投稿直後(論文②)や査読中に手直しされたということは、その論文はalmost acceptということですよね。これは論文を投稿する側にとって、大変励みになる有力情報(都市伝説?)だと思います。

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